Sunshine State Young Reader's Award Program is a statewide reading
motivation program for students in grades 3-8. The program, cosponsored
by the School Library Media Services Office of the Department of
Education and the Florida Association for Media in Education (FAME),
began in 1983. The purpose of the SSYRA Program is to encourage
students to read independently for personal satisfaction, based
on interest rather than reading level.
State books are selected for their wide appeal, literary value,
varied genres, curriculum connections, and/or multicultural representation.
Students are encouraged to read books that are above, on, and below
their tested reading level in order to improve their reading fluency.
schools are sent a school participation form in August and registration,
activities, and voting are available online for participating schools.
The Sunshine State Young Reader's Award Program (SSYRA) is coordinated
by library media specialists in schools participating in the program.
Promotional Ideas [pdf,
6 pages, 48K]
This reading motivation program was designed to entice students
to read high interest, contemporary literature for personal enjoyment.
The long term goal of the program is to nurture lifelong readers
who will continue to read for information needs and personal pleasure;
therefore, students do not have to complete an assignment or a test
in order to prove that they have read the book.
Also please be reminded that students can either read a minimum
of three books or hear them read in order to be eligible to vote.
In summary, student voting statistics illustrate the consistent
library media support of school reading programs and the statewide
reading initiative, Just Read, Florida! These statistics also provide
quantitative proof of the excellent reading promotion activities
of our library media programs!